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What’s Your Excuse?

November 7, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

So, where have YOU been? A beautiful Indian summer that lasted 81 days without rain until October probably meant other things to do after work or school than WOD.

Confession time – I’ve been MIA at the gym for the past three months (kinda ruined my 22 month ‘attendance streak’ with some family issues). At first, it felt really strange to have my workout schedule interrupted by other appointments and obligations. Still had the gym bag packed in the back of the car, putting up Jesse’s WOD posts on the web site in the early am and thinking I could fit things in here and there. But things were falling apart and off of my plate. Working out was the first to go and after a couple of weeks I just felt guilty. Really missing the pieces of lives and stories that are shared in that hour of sweat, grunts & laughter. Made me realize that I gained much more than a sweat with each workout – more like a couple of hours worth of attitude and inspiration came back into my life from everyone I worked out with.

After two months, things start to settle down and the thought of coming back brought a big chunk of dread and fear — crap, it was intimidating! It was hard enough to start CrossFitting two years ago, when I didn’t really know what I was in for – how the heck was I suppose to start again when I KNEW? How much of my strength had I lost in those 90 days? How long would it take to get back to where I was let alone pass it? I really just wanted to start over with an on-ramp class – aacckkk! Read this quote from Juli Bauer of OMG! Paleo and it so fit:

Q: How do you get back on the CrossFit train after you’ve fallen off?
A: Go to the gym. Feel like crap. Then feel better.

Suck it up, suck it in – tell Jesse I’ll be there and know I’m going to be among friends, in awe of how much everyone has improved and grown their skills and have some new faces to meet. It makes the soreness just a bit more bearable and I’m so glad to be back ‘home’.


Moral of my story? Don’t let the excuse “I’ve been away too long to go back” be your story! If you’ve been gone for a while from CFE, summer is over, it’s dark after work – get back in here with us, come back “home” and get going!


  • Mark your calendar with your workout schedule
  • Lay out the workout clothes or pack your gym bag (no excuses)
  • Tell yourself that you can SCALE in the beginning (whether you do or not is up to you, but knowing you can will make it a little less intimidating!)
  • Hold yourself accountable and tell one of your fellow athletes or post on the CFE FB page when you’ll be there (we’ll be watching for you!)
  • Most of all, tell yourself “I do not quit” and be a person of your word


Watch this quick one from CrossFit FBO THEN let me know what your excuse is …  

See you at the ‘box’!!

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. November 7, 2012 at 6:49 pm

    Thanks for another great post. Very fitting for those of us dealing with real life stuff (all of us)!

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